Closed doors can be disappointing, you know, when we expected something to happen and that fails to take place. Closed doors can lead to frustration, despair, and a sense of hopelessness. We all have desires in our hearts; maybe a certain career, traveling to a certain place, moving to a certain area, there are friendships we desire, relationships we desire to start or maintain, people we want to be on good terms with, steps forward we want to make in life, certain achievements we desire to achieve within a certain period of time; and such like things.
If we are not careful, we can turn our desires into idols, things we must have or must achieve. If we are not careful, we will live a frustrated life because we failed to achieve something or we failed to relate to certain people in a certain way.
Doors in life are always opening and closing, and during some seasons, we may face more closed doors than open ones. Sometimes we face people who shut doors in our faces; maybe out of jealousy, maybe out of not wanting competition, maybe because we did not give them what they wanted, maybe because we do not have the skills required, maybe because they are looking for certain qualities or personalities, maybe because we have moved out of God’s timing and we are trying to do things our own way.
Life has its complications. We live in a fallen world where most of the time we have to go against the currents if we want to be on God’s side. Closed doors and things we consider missed opportunities are common occurrences.
Many are the plans we have in our hearts but it is God who establishes our plans and His purpose prevails.
One thing we should never do is hold on to people or something that is trying to run away from us, you know, out of fear. We should never forget that we attract what we fear. We should not cling to people. We should not place our trust in people, we are to trust only in God, and with time, He brings the right people into our lives.
Anything that involves compromise is not from God and is never worth it. Never sell your soul to the devil.
Anyone who promises one thing in exchange for something is not from God. Anything that involves going against God’s Word is not from Him. God does not bring us gifts that will harm us in any way. God never brings people into our lives who are out to destroy us; God never intended us to live as slaves to other people. When something is from God, we will know it. It does not come with conditions. The devil is a liar.
Doors close for a reason, it is usually for our protection. God knows what will happen and therefore puts a hedge of protection around us to protect us, and one of the ways to protect us is closing doors that are harmful to us. We may not see it but God does. Eventually, when we look back, we realize it was God at work. We realize how much God’s hand was on us, we realize He saved us. It was God protecting us every step of the way.
When a door closes, we are to go to God, not man. We are to seek God and not react in fear; fear of not having another job, fear of not having another relationship, fear of loneliness, fear of the future, fear of how things will turn out. Fear does not come from God, fear paralyzes us, fear makes us do or say things we would not normally do or say, fear makes us targets for the enemy.
With time, we come to realize there are people out there who take advantage, there are those who look for weaknesses in others and see that as an opportunity to practice their evil minds on them, there are many bad-willed people out there. We should be on guard not to fall prey to the enemy. Anytime we trust in people instead of God, we fall under a curse.
“This is what the Lord says: ‘Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord.” Jeremiah 17:5.
We were not born to rely on man, we are to rely solely on God and He will direct our paths. When we rely on people we fall into a trap and become targets of being taken advantage of.
When God opens a door, no man can close, and when He closes a door, no man can open. Trying to open closed doors can lead to our downfall. God knows why those doors are closed, He knows best and we don’t. That is why we are to trust only in God. When God says yes, no man can say no.
“I will give him the key to the house of David – the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them.” Isaiah 22:22.
Our trust and hope is in God. God does indeed direct our paths, He tells us to rely on Him. He is the Source of everything and He blesses whom it pleases. He makes a way where there was no way.
When we are guided by the Holy Spirit, we will know which paths to take and which ones to avoid, we will be able to discern the spirits in people, we will be able to know when someone is setting a trap for us, we will be able to know when someone is just advancing their own selfish interests. The Bible tells us to ask and it will be given to us, to knock and the door will be opened, to seek and we shall find; we do all that in accordance with God’s will.
Jesus Christ is the way, He is the door. “I Am the door: by Me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture” John 10:9.
When we spend time with God, we learn to recognize His voice. God does not want us to get stuck at closed doors, He wants us to trust Him and know that all things work out for good to those who trust Him. We should not put our trust in people, we are to love others but remember where our help comes from. Our help comes from God, maker of heaven and earth. God wills us good, He will open doors that no man can shut.
When doors close, we praise God and wait on Him, we listen as He leads us.
But the one who enters through the gate is the shepherd of the sheep, the gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep recognize his voice and come to him. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. John 10:2-3.
The Lord is our shepherd, we shall not want.
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