The spirit of sabotage has destroyed the lives of many people. It is a spirit that undermines people and obstructs them from living the life that God intended them to live. The spirit of sabotage causes stagnation, ruined relationships, destroys businesses, and wrecks havoc in a person’s life.
It is subtle and many people do not realize that they are under the spirit of sabotage. It is a spirit that pervades every aspect of a person’s life and prevents that person from moving forward or even leads to premature death. The spirit of sabotage is an anti-progress spirit, it is an incapacitating spirit, and comes to undermine and ruin a person’s life.
If you have been in multiple failed relationships, if nothing you do seems to work out, if everything you touch fails, and if you have been experiencing repeated negative patterns in your life, it is highly likely that you are under the spirit of sabotage. It is a spirit aimed at ruining and frustrating your life. You will be wondering why you try to make a step forward yet you find yourself moving backward.
When Nehemiah went to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, he met opposition from people who were opposed to what he was doing.
When Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official heard of it, they were deeply disturbed that a man had come to seek the well-being of the children of Israel. Nehemiah 2:10.
Sanballat and Tobiah were envious of the fact that Nehemiah had come to seek out the well-being of the people of Israel, and they were out to sabotage him. Watch out who you associate with because some people are envious of your success and they are trying to bring you down. Also, search your heart and see if there is a spirit of envy in you that has been sabotaging you and other people.
When Sanballat, Tobiah, and Geshem heard Nehemiah tell people to rise up and build the wall of Jerusalem, they laughed and despised them.
Then I said to them, “You see the distress that we are in, how Jerusalem lies waste, and its gates are burned with fire. Come and let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer be a reproach.” And I told them of the hand of my God which had been good upon me, and also of the king’s words that he had spoken to me. So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work. But when Sanballat the Horonite, Tobiah the Ammonite official, and Geshem the Arab heard of it, they laughed at us and despised us, and said, “What is this thing that you are doing? Will you rebel against the king?” So I answered them, and said to them, “The God of heaven Himself will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build, but you have no heritage or right or memorial in Jerusalem.” Nehemiah 2:17-20.
The spirit of sabotage works together with the spirit of jealousy and envy, the spirit of rejection, pride, anger, and low esteem. Jealousy and envy destroy relationships, rejection makes you feel like you are unworthy and you end up destroying whatever you touch, pride makes you blind to areas in your life that need to change, anger is a defense mechanism against inner feelings of rejection and low sense of worth, and low esteem makes you have a grasshopper mentality and make you think that you do not desire to be in a better place in life. Low esteem will subconsciously make you settle for less even when you are able to achieve more, because deep down you do not believe you deserve better. It will make you settle for toxic relationships because that is all that you can relate to. When all these evil spirits and many more are at work in a person’s life, that person keeps experiencing recurrent negative cycles and ends up living a frustrated unfulfilled life.
Unless those negative cycles are broken in Jesus’ name by the power of the Holy Spirit, they end up affecting one generation to another. Such people end up re-living what their grandparents and parents experienced. They experience delays, addictions, frustrations, failed relationships, poverty, diseases and illnesses, wasted lives lived without a purpose, premature death, and much more. The spirit of sabotage prevents people from achieving the God-ordained purpose in their lives. It distracts people, slows them down, takes them in the wrong direction, and they end up missing out on what God purposed for them.
If you and your family have been experiencing delayed marriages or other delays in life, if you are constantly in wrong toxic relationships, if you have a tendency to make wrong and rush decisions, if whatever you start always seems to be crumbling down, then the spirit of sabotage may be at work in your life and family. If you have unexplained anger and envy in your heart and end up destroying every relationship you enter into, then the spirit of sabotage may be at work in your life. If you make decisions that do not make sense to the rational mind, then the spirit of sabotage may be at work in your life. If you have wrong distorted thinking about things and people, then the spirit of sabotage may be at work in your life. The aim of the spirit of sabotage is to undermine and cripple you, make you live a frustrated purposeless life, and waste all your time on worthless things.
The spirit of sabotage will make you envious and critical of others, and in the process, you will ruin all the relationships you enter into. It will make you think evil of others without any evidence of wrongdoing on their part, and in the process, you will find out that no one wants to associate with you. The spirit of sabotage will make you dishonor others, and in so doing blessings will pass you by. Dishonor is a strategy of the devil to make you insubordinate and unruly, something that will cost you dearly. The spirit of sabotage will make you haughty and arrogant, and you will not listen to your seniors or to wise counsel. This will lead you to make unwise decisions that will take you years backward.
Beware of the spirit of sabotage. Look at your life and see the patterns that have been recurring in your life, and pray for discernment from God so that you will be able to discern where in your life the spirit of sabotage has been wreaking havoc. Then, be willing to repent of your sins and the sins of your forefathers that have opened up a doorway for the spirit of sabotage in your life. Bind the evil spirit of sabotage and every other evil spirit associated with it and command them to leave your life and your family. Cover yourself and your family with the blood of Jesus and purpose to make the necessary changes in your life and live in accordance with the Word of God.
Pray for God to change you inside out, and empower you to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and overcome whatever roadblock the enemy tries to put in your way. Take power and authority against the spirit of sabotage and decide, with God’s power, that you will no longer allow the enemy to sabotage your life. Take power and authority against every evil agenda of the enemy. God has given us power and authority against all the power of the enemy through Jesus Christ.
Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Luke 10:19.
It is time to reject and disassociate from the spirit of sabotage that has been destroying your life. Reject and disassociate yourself from the spirits of envy and jealousy, low esteem, rejection, pride and haughtiness, anger, and dishonor. Pray for God to heal you from the inner wounds that have been the breeding ground of those evil spirits. Humble yourself before the Lord and submit to His lordship over your life. Choose to love others, honor them, celebrate with them, and think good thoughts about them.
When the spirit of sabotage leaves your life, the spirit of delay will also leave and you will start progressing forward. Your relationships will thrive, your business will thrive, your finances will be in order, you will get the promotion you desire, and many more doors will start opening for you. Whatever used to take you years to accomplish, you will accomplish within a short time. Frustration, confusion, broken relationships, delayed marriage, addictions, and closed doors will no longer be your portion. You will start to walk in the purpose that God created you to walk in. You will make wise decisions and stop making decisions that sabotage your life. When the spirit of sabotage leaves, you will finally embrace and walk on your God-destined path.
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Woooooow!!! God bless 🙌 you for this article 🙏
Thank you and God bless you too,
Thank you for such a powerful and informative post. THE FATHER sent me here and I am truly blessed and delivered.
Thank you. May God continue to bless you.
My God! My God! My God!
Blessings to you
Thank you
JMariposa 🦋
Hello Judith,
Thank you and may God bless you.
Vicky, for the last couple of days I have been having an internal struggle within after making a decision to be intentional about elevating in my life. I was seeking the Lord and felt led to look up information on sabotage. I stumbled upon your article about sabotage and everything you wrote was what I needed. I know my life will never be the same. Please be encouraged and continue to do what you do. Don’t let anything stand in your way. Period. Thank you woman of God!
Hello Elder Satin,
Thank you so much for the encouragement. May you stand firm on your decision to be intentional about elevating your life, and may God strengthen you as you embark on that journey. God’s grace is sufficient for you.
Be blessed,
I feel like crying because this is the exact message I have been trying to look for, i have been on YouTube, but I did not get exactly as you have said it out, it has been very clear knowledge, i pray that God may give you more of amazing protection and knowledge.
I have been so long in this state of this spirit of sabotage with all its associated spirits, so with this reading, I believe I’m going to make sure that I join Prayers and Fasting for 5days by the time I finish them, I believe I will come out as I’m a successful man.
Hello Alecks,
Thank you. I am glad you found this article; that’s the leading of the Holy Spirit. May complete freedom be your portion, in Jesus’ name.
Praying this morning and God led me to this site
Clarity and deliverance is my portion and Today I received both
Thanks and Glory to God for being an instrument and vessel of Hope
Hello Naomi,
Amen. May clarity and deliverance be your portion indeed.
Be blessed,
Thank you so so much for allowing God to use you. I will come back here with my full testimony as this spirit has been rampaging my life and family for generations!!!! Glory to God Almighty, Jehovah El Roi Who sees us!
God bless you greatly good woman of God.
Love and blessings
Hello Michelle,
Looking forward to hearing your testimony of deliverance. May God be with you.
God just led me to this page because I was asking Him why do I entertain bad thoughts about people. I always assume that people have done things that I have no proof of and then I guard myself by avoiding them. It’s ruined a couple of friendships in the past.
I didn’t even realize how bad it is until now .
Thank you so much for this it’s really helpful .
I’m glad you found my page helpful.
God bless you.
For 73 days God has been trying to bless me but I keep missing it. I thought it was them until I read this article. Wow! This is the ‘pin pointed’ problem. Thank you for making it crystal clear. I ask permission to use this material to help others be free of the spirit of sabotage. Thank you so much. God bless you!
Hello Apostle Clarice,
Thank you for the feedback. You can use the material and credit it accordingly.
Be blessed,