About Vicky

I Found Peace, Joy, And True Contentment In Christ Jesus.

Vicky's Forum

…but it has not always been this way.

I have been where you are; I know what it is like to be wounded greatly and to struggle with forgiving those deep hurts and wounds left in the heart by what people have done or said.

However, I also know how important it is for you to make the decision to refuse to remain stuck and to stop allowing the past to define your present.

I know how damaging it is for you to dwell in the past; it keeps you stuck and makes you unable to move forward. It takes making a firm decision and choosing to move forward, and use the past as a learning place instead of making it a dwelling place.

My life changing moment occurred when I decided to surrender my life to God and develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; that really changed everything and my life took a completely new direction for the better. In God, I got to know who I really am, and I got to learn the truth of His Word, and that set me free. By the power of the Holy Spirit, I was transformed completely from the inside out into a completely new person for the better.

I got to the renewing that I really needed and got to experience the true healing power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Deep wounds were completely healed and I got to know true joy and peace that only comes from God.


You do not need to be stuck in the past, or in what people have done or said against you. Choose to let go and allow God to change and transform you completely for the better.

Do not allow unforgiveness, shame, regret, and bitterness to block you from becoming the woman that God desires you to be. 

Know the Truth and let that truth set you free. Rise above the storms of life and find rest for your soul in Jesus Christ.

Choose to be different

Many people have become bitter and angry because of what they have encountered in life. This in turn negatively affects them spiritually, emotionally, and physically, and they end up wasting years of their life trapped in sin and living an unproductive life. This does not have to be you; choose to follow a different path. Travel the high road of forgiveness and walk along the narrow path that leads to eternal life through Jesus Christ. It is my mission to help Christian women rise above the pain and heartache and find healing in God so you can finally be set free and bear much fruit.

Lessons from my single season

For the single Christian woman

I can help you out

Here’ how I can help you…

Christian Life Coach for Women

Broken To Healed

Do you have a traumatic and painful past and now you are finally ready to let go of that which has been keeping you stuck or weighing you down? If so, then you are at the right place. Let go and surrender to Jesus Christ so you can finally be set free and live a fruitful life led by the Holy Spirit.

Christian Life Coach for Women

Waiting Well

Are you a single woman who is believing in God for a spouse and you are totally committed to serving God and waiting upon the Lord during your single season? If so, then this is just the right place for you. Glorify God in every area of your life so you can get His best for you in His perfect timing.

Christian Life Coach for Women


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Christian Life Coach for Women


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Download my free guide and learn how to forgive that person who has deeply hurt you. 

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