Faith in God

God is your reward

God Is Your Reward

There are many people who will never do something for you or give you something unless they will benefit in return. Very few people will offer something to another person out of pure generosity. It is very rare to find someone who just wants to bless another person without expecting compensation of some kind or

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Childlike faith in God

Childlike Faith

The things of God appear as foolishness to the world. Many people approach life in an intellectual kind of way, but that cannot work when it comes to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus blessed little children and said that the Kingdom of God belongs to such. We are to have childlike faith in

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The Egyptians whom you see today you shall see again no more

The Egyptians Whom You See Today, You Shall Never See Them Again

The heart of Pharaoh was hardened and he turned against the children of Israel. Pharaoh and the Egyptians pursued the children of Israel. As the Egyptians drew near, the Israelites got very afraid and they started complaining to Moses. However, God told the Israelites through Moses, the Egyptians whom you see today, you will never

The Egyptians Whom You See Today, You Shall Never See Them Again Read More »