Do not be a slave to people or things. Most people spend their entire lives as slaves, most of the time without knowing it; whether slaves to other people or slaves to things. Any time a person puts their trust in anything else or anyone else apart from God, then they become a slave to that thing or that person. When we put our trust in things of this world we end up losing.
When we depend on other people for something then those people occupy a place in our lives whereby they are somehow in control of our lives. When we live our lives as if we cannot make it without that person or that thing, automatically we become a slave to what we rely on. When we depend on another for conversations, for validation, for support, for money, for acceptance, for happiness, for their input, for our sense of well-being; any time we depend on anything apart from God then we are making that thing or that person our idol.
We forget that idols will never satisfy or fulfill us, idols demand more and more of us until we become dependent on them, yet they never fill up the voids within us.
We are to depend only on God. God wants us to put our trust in Him and seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. God, in His timing brings the right people into our lives, people who are there to help us accomplish the purpose and plans God has for us. The people God brings into our lives will not ask us to compromise, they will not be after their own selfish interests, they will not try to make us dependent on them, they will not manipulate us. The people God connects us with are good-willed.
God will direct us in the way we should go, He directs us in the words we should speak. Godly connections never make us slaves to other people or to things. Godly connections bring honor and glory to His name. God will never give us anything that would harm us, He never gives us idols. God wills for us to love Him first with all our hearts, minds, soul, and strength.
When God decides to bless us no man can stop it. When God wants to enlarge our territories, no man can say no. What God says always comes to pass.
We should watch out not to be slaves to this world. Do not be a slave to people or to things of this world. We are not meant to be out there looking for connections using our worldly views and our limited human understanding. We should always ask God to connect us to the right people at the right time, to lead us to the right place, to lead us into saying the right words, for His honor and glory.
Anything we try to accomplish with our human strength leads to us getting weary and may even lead us to downfall.
Anything we tell ourselves that we must have in order to be happy is an idol. Anything we place above God cannot stand; our world will be shaken until we come to acknowledge the One and only true God, until we surrender to the Lord.
May God help us to trust in Him and depend on Him alone. When we want something, when we are going through something, when we want someone to talk to, when we are in need, in anything and anytime and every moment of our lives; may we learn to go to God first. We are to approach God first and seek His guidance. We are to seek God’s will above everything else. In Christ we have freedom.
May we never forget that we are children of the King of kings. We are never to live this life as beggars. Our Father owns and created everything in this world, and when we ask for anything in accordance with His will, we can be sure that it will be done.
And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him. 1 John 5:14-15.
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