Life has many seasons and one of them is waiting on God. It can be waiting for anything; a job, a house, a friend, a marriage, a child, a reconciliation, a move to a different place. Waiting requires a lot of patience. Waiting on God is a heart condition, it does not involve doing nothing, rather, it involves continuing to serve God with expectancy. It does not mean we serve God so that He can do something for us in return, rather, we serve Him because we love Him.
We work towards a closer relationship with Him, we let Him work in us and remove any trace of anything that does not please Him. We accumulate the treasures of the Word of God in our hearts that renew our minds and in the process transform our lives. Waiting on God is hard, it means we take the promises of God as they are and believe that everything will work out for our good when we trust Him. It means we do not compromise in the process of waiting.
In a culture where people want things quick and people compromise a lot, waiting on God seems to go against the currents. It involves taking a stand and not allowing ourselves to be conformed to the patterns of the world.
Waiting on God requires us to completely surrender to the Lord with the understanding that God knows best and He is much more capable than us.
Waiting on God means we do not try to carry burdens on our own, it means we do not take matters into our own hands, it means we do not allow others to lead us astray from what the Word of God says. Compromising is the easier option; with compromise, people lie to themselves they can get things done quicker yet they never stop to count the cost. The enemy never gives anything for free, there is always a price tag, he wants our souls in the long run.
We need to know the truth for ourselves because the world is devoid of truth. Truth is only found in God. When we do not know the truth, we have nothing to measure between good and bad. Only the truth sets us free. With the truth of God’s Word, we are able to know what to do and what not to do, we are able to know what to say and what not to say, we are able to know who to associate with and who not to associate with, we are able to make decisions that please God.
Knowing what God says will help us avoid counterfeits during the waiting process.
We do not accept lesser than, we only accept God’s best in every area of our lives; that requires a lot of patience and endurance. Hard times will come but we should not get our eyes off God. We trust God will keep His Word because we know He is the promise keeper. What God has for us may not be exactly what we wanted but we know it is the best thing for us.
We are to align our will with God’s will, we are to surrender completely to God and let Him have His way in our lives. We can either be in control or we can let God have all the control. We cannot have it both ways. Our minds are limited, we do not see the big picture as God sees. God knows best and He wants the best for our lives.
God will lead us in the right direction if we allow Him to take the wheel. Surrender! Get off the wheel! Be ready to be vulnerable before God. We should be ready to let go of what we know and embrace the unknown that is promised in God’s Word. With faith, we believe that what God says will come to pass. Tests and trials produce endurance.
Waiting on God is a strength rather than a weakness.
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2-4.
Waiting on God is hard because human beings want what they can see, hear, and touch. Yet, that is not how faith works. Faith works by putting our trust in the Lord and believing the unseen will come to pass. Waiting involves resting on the promises of God, which are Yes and Amen.
Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God’s will. Then you will receive all that He has promised. Hebrews 10:36.
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