Forgive the humanly unforgivable

How To Forgive The Humanly Unforgivable


It is possible to forgive the humanly unforgivable with God’s help. The Bible tells us that what is impossible with man is possible with God. Many times in our journey here on earth we come across many trials and temptations, we come across people who hurt us deeply and some of them even hurt us intentionally, we come across pain inflicted by other people’s mistakes, we come across people who do and say things that affect us negatively, we come across disasters and turmoils caused by others, we come across people who hate us and want to harm us, we come across people who are jealous and envious of us and do everything possible to sabotage our lives, we come across terrorists who attack innocent people, we come across natural calamities that turn our lives upside down.

What do we do when we get hurt so deeply to the extent that we feel like our heart is broken and bleeding? What do we do when the actions and words from others cause us great pain? What do we do when disasters leave us in confusion and in an unfamiliar place? What do we do when our hearts are so broken?

We go to God. God is our source, God is our everything. No one can heal us except God. You know, when Jesus died on the cross, He said it is finished. He finished it all on that cross. He bought us by His own blood. He was sinless and is righteous. Everything is finished at the cross of our Savior and Lord.

When we are wounded we try to hold on to that hurt and at times try to go after the people who have wounded us. Yes, we are to follow the law of the land and we should seek justice according to the law. Yet, after all is said and done, we need to reach a point of forgiveness. When we fail to forgive, the enemy wins. We should never give the enemy an opening into our lives.

What is impossible with us we take to God.

We cannot forgive the humanly unforgivable by our strength. We need God to forgive. We need God every moment of every day. We take our wounds and hurts at the foot of the cross and give it all to Christ. We make the choice to forgive, we ask God to help us forgive and forget, we ask God to heal us, we ask God to give us a new tender heart and give us His Holy Spirit to minister to us.

Those who hurt us can never heal us, only God heals. God is our healer. God restores.

Holding on to unforgiveness keeps our wounds raw and bleeding, but God, He gives us a new heart. We need God to forgive. We release those hurts and people from our hearts. When we forgive we become free. Unforgiveness keeps us in chains, we even start becoming unhealthy in every area of our lives. With unforgiveness, the spirit is broken, the soul is unstable, the body starts manifesting physical signs and symptoms; that is how unhealthy unforgiveness is.

Unforgiveness opens our lives to the enemy; we become satan’s playground.

May we never forget where our power is. Our power comes from God, He is our Source. When we are weak, then He is strong. God’s strength is manifest in our weakness. The battles we fight are spiritual and not against flesh and blood. We do not fight by throwing back words at those who hurt us or by seeking vengeance. Vengeance belongs to God, He has promised us that He will repay.

God’s Word is true and does not return to Him void. Knowing that then, we forgive and release all people who have ever hurt us, we ask God to forgive us for the moments we have failed and for the hurt we have caused other people. We receive God’s forgiveness. Only God can forgive. We have already been forgiven, we are just required to repent, turn away from our sins and accept God’s forgiveness.

There is power in the name of Jesus, there is power in the blood of the Lamb of God who died so that we may have life. We walk by faith, not by sight.

We are not meant to walk this life ashamed, in guilt, in regret, or condemnation. God does not condemn us, Godly sorrow never leads to regret.

In fact, to be distressed in a godly way causes people to change the way they think and act and leads them to be saved. No one can regret that. But the distress that the world causes brings only death. 2 Corinthians 7:10.

It is okay to grieve for a season, but we should never allow the enemy to burden us with shame, guilt, regret, and condemnation; we are never meant to go through life burdened by such things. Godly sorrow and grief makes us realize our need for God, such make us realize we are not in control – only God is, we realize we have sinned and go to God in repentance and He washes all our sins away.

God is good and we are not. We have been forgiven much by God, and knowing that then, we are able to forgive those who have wounded us. We did not earn forgiveness and salvation, we are only saved by grace through faith. Who are we then to withhold forgiveness from other people?

We need God, everybody needs God. We cannot save ourselves and neither can we save others. Those who have hurt us need God. We are to pray for our enemies and do them good. We have all sinned and fallen short. No one is righteous, no not one. We need God in our lives.

We’ve all become unclean, and all our righteous acts are like permanently stained rags. All of us shrivel like leaves, and our sins carry us away like the wind. Isaiah 64:6.

Unforgiveness makes us self-righteous; when we fail to forgive we are implying that we deserve forgiveness and others do not deserve it. Only God is righteous and good, and if He can forgive what we consider unforgivable, who are we not to forgive!

With God, nothing is impossible, with God nothing others do or say against us is unforgivable. When we are in God, He will help us to see others as He sees them, He will help us see ourselves as He sees us. When we receive salvation, Jesus Christ clothes us with His righteousness, so that when the Father looks at us, He only sees the righteousness of Christ. We have been forgiven much and because of that, we forgive much. We love God because He first loved us.

“Therefore I tell you, because her many sins have been forgiven, she has loved much. But he who has been forgiven little loves little. Then Jesus said to her, ‘Your sins are forgiven.” Luke 7:47-48.

God helps us forgive the humanly unforgivable.


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Forgive the humanly unforgivable
Forgive the humanly unforgivable

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