God’s will for our lives is that we give thanks in all circumstances. What happens or does not happen in this life should not sway us to extremes, we are to stay rooted in God. A heart full of thanksgiving is a result of a heart submitted to God. Living grateful requires a renewed mind. The Bible tells us that our minds are renewed by the Word of God. A renewed mind leads to a transformed life.
No one meets God and remains the same. A true relationship with God leads to a different mindset; our way of thinking changes, the way we approach life changes. God transforms us and empowers us to see things, see other people and see ourselves as He sees us. We cannot be in God’s presence and remain the same.
God empowers us to lead a victorious life through Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.
It is not easy to be grateful when everything seems to be going wrong. We tend to ask ourselves, ‘What is there to be grateful for?’ It seems much easier to praise God when everything in our lives is going on as we had planned. When things take a different turn, our hearts grow heavy. It is easier to avoid God during life’s storms and start blaming Him and asking Him where He was when everything was happening. That is what the human nature tends to do. Humans are conditional.
Most people tend to love God when they are achieving their goals in life but reject Him when they are going through storms. That is just the easier road by human standards. Yet, we are called to greatness, we are called to be Christ-like, God’s standards should be our standards. Life will not always turn out as we had expected, there will be mountains to climb and valleys to go through, there will be dry land and deserts to go through. Yet, in everything, we are to know that God is with us every step of the way.
God does not want us to give thanks just when everything is working out the way we wanted, our thanksgiving should never be conditional. What He desires is a life full of thanksgiving whereby we give thanks in all circumstances. That shows true love for God.
We do not approach God because of what we can get from Him, that is exploitation. We approach God for who He is, we worship and praise Him because we love Him. We are told not to be anxious about anything but in prayer present our requests to God with thanksgiving in our hearts. Such an attitude is a strength rather than a weakness, it requires overcoming our carnal nature and walking in spirit.
The Bible tells us that God’s worshipers must worship Him in spirit and truth.
The story of the ten lepers teaches us about giving thanks. Jesus was approached by ten lepers who told Him to have mercy on them. Jesus told them to go and show themselves to the priests and as they were on their way they were cleansed. One of them went back praising God in a loud voice and fell at the feet of Jesus in thanksgiving to Him. Jesus told Him, ‘Rise and go; your faith has made you well!’
We need to recognize the presence of God in our every day lives. Most people flourish in vain glory, when good things happen they become proud. Most people never give thanks to God and take credit for themselves, thinking that their hard work is what made them prosper. It requires faith to acknowledge that the blessings we have received have all come from God, and faith pleases God.
Everything we have is a blessing from God. We know that God is our source of everything. When we are in lack we go to Him with thanksgiving in our hearts. We surrender to Him and tell Him to do His will in our lives. Whether we receive what we have have prayed or do not receive or we have to wait long before we receive it; we are to give thanks in all circumstances.
We are not to throw tantrums when things do not work out our way, our lives have to be fully surrendered to God. Our will should be aligned with God’s will, and if God’s will is no, then that no becomes our will. Whatever God’s will is, we have to make that our will. God has His reasons, His ways are not our ways, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. God thinks good thoughts towards us and knowing that then, we know everything will work out for good, irrespective of how things turn out.
How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Psalm 139:17.
Irrespective of what happens in life, irrespective of what people say or do or what they do not do or not say, irrespective of the seasons we are in and the seasons we pass through in life; regardless of our circumstances, the circumstances of those around us, or circumstances in our nation or in the world, we are to give thanks in all circumstances. We present our prayers and requests to God but at the same time give thanks. That is God’s will.
I will give thanks to the Lord because of His righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High. Psalm 7:17.
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